WETS Project
The WETS project was born in 2020. Born of a real need expressed by sex workers on social networks, needs to be reached by prevention. WETS, which stands for web, escort, sex work, positions itself as being in the pro-sex movement, meaning that we recognize that people can choose to exchange sexual services, and that they can do so willingly.
In particular, our prevention services focus on 3 main areas: the prevention of STBBIs and HIV, the prevention of safer consumption, and the prevention of violence that workers may suffer when exchanging sexual services.
Interventions vary according to the needs of the people we reach. For example, the following are some examples:
- Condom delivery
- Delivery of safe drinking kits
- Mobile screening (home, apartment, airbnb, bar)
In addition, the WETS project has very close partnerships, notably with CIASF, Stella, PIPQ and PIAMP. The WETS project plays an active role in prevention among teenage girls, with the SELFIE project.